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The story of an extraordinary campaign...

An introduction.

The campaign, Campaign for Democracy transfers sovereignty, real power, from the politicians in the  Senedd to the people of Wales. We do this by getting floating voters who live in marginal seats to demand this at elections. Any party that wants to win must give those voters what they want.

The campaign was due to run in 2010. What stopped it?

Mistakes made by people in the criminal justice system, mistakes that appear to have led to a cover up that went to the highest levels of the British legal system. The story is told in the videos on this website. Just work your way down, starting with the video below.

Truth in a table.

With two people claiming that I had assaulted one of them and four prosecution witnesses you might think there could be just one conclusion. You, like the police and CPS, would be wrong!

You'll be surprised just how easily the truth can be found. All the evidence is on this website so you can see it for yourselves.

To see the witness statements and other documents referred to in the table just click on the button to the right.

From Failure to Fiasco

The failures of the police and CPS in the assault case are clear but everything was about to get far, far worse, so bad that if it wasn't for the documentary evidence that exists what you're about to see would be unbelievable. To get access to the documents click on the button below.

The 'Big Society'

Around 2009 - 2010 David Cameron and the Conservatives came up with the 'Big Society' concept, an approach that would transform our systems and society.... and then it just fizzled out, so what was it all about? As you will see it was prepositioning. The Tories expected Campaign for Democracy to run even after I came out of prison. They'd seen the evidence and expected my convictions to be overturned.

The Real Scandal?

When things go wrong in Court you can go to the Court of Appeal and that's what happened in my cases. They went to a hearing of the Court of Appeal at Cardiff Court Rooms on the 12th March 2013, so what happened there?

CCRC 2013-2016.

After the Court of Appeal there's still one way forward, the Criminal Cases Review Commission but would they dare contradict Leveson?

This video tells the story of what happened in 2013-2016 when the CCRC were told how a mistake made by them resulted in my wrongful imprisonment in 2011.

The Chief Constable.

I've told the story of how mistakes made by the police led to my wrongful convictions and how in one case they were directly responsible for my wrongful imprisonment.
In 2017 I told the police about that, in 2018 I wrote about it in the Llanidloes Gazette and in 2021 I wrote to the Chief Constable's office about it. They didn't deny what had happened when they wrote back. Watch the story in this video.

The Starmer Scandal?

The Crown Prosecution Service presents the evidence in court that  brings offenders to justice. All my trials took place between 2008 and 2011 when Keir Starmer was head of the Crown Prosecution Service but the documents you can see on this website prove I should never have been taken to court.

Knowing that this has the potential to cause Starmer and the Labour Party damage I tried to contact him suggesting that if he were to help put things right that would limit the damage. No reply has ever been received.

Llanidloes, rotten borough?

Over the past few years Llanidloes Town Council has fallen short of the standards residents of the town should expect from their council. While there are many good councillors the way a small number of them have been behaving has not complied with the standards and conduct required in local government. What has been going on is described in the videos below.

There are three videos, the first video deals with the way the Town Hall toilet refurbishment was carried out and what happened when malpractice was reported to Audit Wales, the government body charged with ensuring councils carry out their duties properly.

The second video below deals with more recent matters that were reported to the Ombudsman's Office.

The third tells how the Town Council's Finance panel continues to act improperly even after the first two videos were made.

Just for fun this third video also tells the story of how David Cameron's return to politics probably came about.

Coming soon,
The Llani Double Whammy.
Why Llanidloes council taxpayers pay more than they should have to.
More information on the legal scandal is available on copies of the pages of my old website. Click on the link to the right to see them.
If you're a journalist you'll want to see copies of all the documents. Click on the link to the left to see a video of them.
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